Bringing the Fragments of Your Being Home

Have you ever had the feeling that you are missing vital pieces of yourself?

Are there are empty spaces in you that you have tried to fill and fulfill unsuccessfully for most of your life?

Do you feel anxious without any rational reason?

Does this feel vaguely familiar to you?

It’s kind of like a distant memory, of being much larger, much more vital and definitely much more joyful and happy in your very distant past.

As we move through this life and other lifetimes, we have experiences of growth, joy and creativity alongside periods of a sense of stagnation and stuckness.
We have all experienced an array of all of this at various times, right?

This contrast could be a sign of deep Soul Fragmentation, meaning that there are parts of you, of your wholeness, wandering around aimlessly, looking for a way home to you.

I facilitated a really exciting process with a wonderful woman just yesterday, in which we called all her Soul Fragments back to her being here, to her present body, to reconnect and come home to her. She had the most exhilarating, emotionally joyous process. She imagined herself her own air traffic controller, guiding all of her aircraft home to the center of her being. It was so amazing that it came to her this way, as she used to work in the aviation industry! Very exciting!

If you would like to experience this repeatable process of deep Soul Retrieval, feel free to email me and we’ll set up a session for you. We will gather up your Soul Fragments from every corner of the Cosmos, home to You, to your Being, which will allow you to feel so much more present and confident in your life. Drop me a line here and we’ll set it up:

Coming Events:
I’m thrilled to invite you to a most uplifting online event for Women of Power, The Nine Stargate Initiation, on Sunday August 11th at 1PM EDT.
The Nine Stargate Initiation is a gift of the Ascended Masters and the Divine Mother.  Its purpose is to clear the patterns and trauma of 5 generations of mothers back and to make room for the Divine Mother to live within us more deeply as we walk the Earth as incarnated Female Human Beings at this immense time of opportunity and shift. It helps us to anchor more of the Divine Feminine on the Planet at this time, in order to establish a balanced Feminine-Masculine Matrix, helping to dissolve more and more of the polarity and pain caused by a dominant patriarchy and a withdrawn matriarchy.

This initiation is the ignition of Sacred Geometric Light Codes followed by a 99 day process in which each woman engages in a daily sound meditation to continue to cultivate the seeded codes planted during the Initiation, to establishing them more and more deeply into the women’s Human Energy Field and Cells. As this happens, more and more insights come through daily and deeper inner and outer shifts come alive.

The process includes the 2 hour Initiation and a 30 minute personal follow up session with me.

Investment: $95
For details and registration:

There is a new book being launched today on The name of the book is “The MindStretch.”  It is a game changer. It is a blend of success in business, personal growth and is inspirational. Please help make “The MindStretch.”  a best seller on Amazon by purchasing “The MindStretch.”  July 16th. Check the reviews. Awesome book! The valuable bonuses are more than worth the price of the book for this one-day promotion. Not buying this book July 16th would be insane. Please share with friends.

The role of the heart in human destiny is revealing itself, and the hour that is now upon us on planet Earth. The heart is a gateway to all things higher, but to access its prodigious vitality and reach, we must move beyond the very developmentnal stages that bring us to its threshold. –James O’Dea, in the Foreword to The Global Heart Awakens Join us TODAY ONLY for great e-gifts from James and many other world wayshowers during the launch of this pivotal book! #GlobalHeart


Wishing you a deep sense of wholeness, wellbeing and homecoming,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy


Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013