Are You REALLY Listening?

Do you listen to your inner thoughts and really honour them?

Do you stop to allow the inner workings of your heart and mind to communicate with you?

Do you acknowledge your emotions without judgment?

Do you engage in some form of mediation?

You may think that none of this is for you and that you’re managing just fine and honestly, you may be absolutely right.

What I would like to suggest is that there is an added benefit that you may be missing. By stopping your regular habits and patterns, by asking some simple, short questions, you may be able to enhance your daily life tremendously.

It’s really very simple:

  1. Take a breath.
  2. Notice 3 sensations occurring now, such as your breath, your pulse, your posture, just to take a few seconds to tune in.
  3. Ask:
  • How am I right now? Am I calm, activated, uneasy, or relaxed?
  • Is there anything I need?
  • Am I honouring those needs?
  1. Gently acknowledge yourself. Tell yourself how much you appreciate this break and the opportunity to be present.

It’s like a private, mini vacation with yourself, a moment of sacred connection and appreciation.

Try it sometime and notice what floats up into your awareness. It can be so delicious and it only takes a moment or two. You may even want to stay on for a longer time, reveling in the calm and flow.

It’s also nice to be able to do this sort of practice in the presence of others, in a calm space of security and compassion.

This is happening this weekend, at the Women Of Vision Empowerment Retreat at the beautiful Goddess House in Yavniel. We will be visiting these spaces in a space of togetherness and gentle holding. Together, we will serve as witnesses to each other’s process, allowing gentle unfolding of our inner desires, dreams and visions.

My good friend Dr. Debra Kiez and I will be partnering with a few of the most amazing women we have ever met. Lisa Bloom, professional Story Teller, will be leading us in a Storyspinning process in which each of us will truly get to tell our story, whatever it may be. Merita Ben Shushan will guide us as we channel our own personal angels and guides into our Angel Sculptures, Judy Enteen will lead us in Yoga, Nili Abrahams will talk about holistic nutrition, Debra will teach us Intuitive Imagery and I will teach everyone how to sing their Soul Song with Crystalline Matrix Sound Healing.

Within each process, our unique story and vision will be told, caressed, developed and clarified until we will shine with confidence, inspiration and possibility.

You can join us too, with your unique story, gifts and desires. It will be so much fun to have you among us, so don’t hesitate to click on the link for more details and registration:


In addition, I invite you to a 30 minute complementary Crystalline Matrix Sound Healing Reprogramming session with me in which we tap into the new energies unfolding within you, allowing you to take the next step forward in your life. Just click here to claim it:


Wishing you days of ease and grace,


Rhonda Joy


Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012