What Are Your 2013 Choices?

Oh, you might be saying, she means what are my 2013 intentions or resolutions?

Nope, not this time, considering what usually happens to people’s New Year’s resolutions. They come in really strong and tend to fade away pretty quickly. There must be a way to keep this energy of creativity alive, dynamic and vibrant, right?

Right, so I do mean CHOICES.

If we are truly co-creators, then we have a certain amount of choice, which is different from just intentions.

Intentions and resolutions tend to  have a “I hope this works out” flavour.

Choice means I am certain that I have a part in this creative process.

Which do you choose?

Do you choose to live randomly or on purpose?

This is not to say that anything I choose will work out. What this means is that if I am finely tuned enough to my own needs and the needs and workings of the world around me that I will be able to find ways to flow in life that will lead me to more coherence and harmony. If I am tuned in enough, then I will be able to intuitively know when it is time to act, meaning creating flow and when it is time to be in receptive mode because I know what I am choosing is being created and woven in a way that is congruent with mine others needs around me.

So who, you may ask, am I co-creating with?

I would hope that the answer would be the greater consciousness that glues everything in the world and the cosmos together. Some call it God, some the Universe, you get my drift.

The thing is, we don’t live in a random universe, but rather in a pulsating vibrant, dynamic dance of vibration constantly in motion and creation. Now put that way, who wouldn’t want to take an active part in the party?

So consider what you really want for yourself. Think and feel BIG. Write it all down so that both sides of your brain and heart can begin to take an active part in the process. Be open to any signs and synchronicities related to your CHOICES.

Have fun bringing it all together!

If you would like some personal help doing so, feel free to claim a 30 minute complementary session with me at: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us and we’ll set it up.

Upcoming Event:
Get ready for the upcoming “Women of Vision” empowerment retreat co-lead by myself and my dear friend and colleague Debra Kiez at the lovely Goddess House in Yavniel, Thursday-Friday, February 14th-15th. We have a wonderful line-up of masterful presenters!
Call me at 052 2985416 for details and to reserve your space.

Wishing you clarity as you co-weave the best year ever,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2013