I’m Finally Cleansing!

I’ve been saying for months that I want and feel that I need to do a cleanse and just didn’t get around to it.

I had wanted to do one because I had been feeling out of sorts, lethargic and was gaining weight. My knees ached and as a result of not really being able to do my power walks, my energy level had dropped and I just wasn’t feeling like myself.

I just didn’t like the way I felt.

So I finally decided to go for it, with the help of my health practitioner. I stress that it is with the help of my health practitioner, because sometimes these things are best done under the guidance of someone with a lot of professional experience, insight and intuition.

I’m doing at least a 10 day cleanse and today marks the 7th day. The first 4 were pretty uneventful, but on the 5th day, I was feeling extremely depleted, bone tired and was only “borrowing” the food and juice I was ingesting for a short time and then it would, well, leave in a hurry! I knew at the time that all of this was a good sign that the toxins were flooding my bloodstream to later be excreted and that the feeling of malaise was only temporary. I am now finally feeling more vibrant and literally feel light and illuminated from inside. I now can feel how long it’s been since I last felt like this – months! How alarming to realize this!

What I am learning from this is to listen to my body on much deeper levels and to trust my intuition when I get a message that it’s time to cleanse. I suppose that I just wasn’t ready to take the plunge back then, even though it would have been really good for me.

But you know what? Cleansing is not only about the food we ingest. It has a lot to do with the ideas and concepts we hold and aspire to. Thoughts and perspectives that are good and congruent for one person can be poison to another, wreaking internal havoc, sometimes so silently and subtly that we barely notice or maybe not at all.

So cleansing is also about going inwards and weeding out the thoughts, feelings and sensations that no longer serve us. It’s like throwing away old bills, commitments and patterns that are no longer relevant in our present way of life.

So you may want to consider doing just such a liberating exercise to clear away the physical and psychic clutter.

If you would like to know just what kind of cleansing process is perfect for you, I invite you to a 30 minute complementary session to explore how to do this in the simplest, easiest way suited just for you. Just click here to claim it:    http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/

Wishing you space and inner clarity on all levels,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012

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