How Long Can You Be Still?

How long can you be in stillness?

Do thoughts start to race through your mind immediately?

Do you begin to plan the rest of your day?

Do you get fidgety and itchy?

Hey, don’t worry, you’re perfectly normal.

Being still in our fast paced society takes discipline and practice.

That’s why we say that we practice meditation and yoga. It’s a new, in the moment exercise every time. The idea of it is to BE present and this in itself can be a challenge.

Take me for example. I could be meditating right now, but have instead chosen to sit down to write these words. Perhaps it’s my way of settling in and preparing an inner space for meditation later on, so let’s talk about preparation and setting the space.

It would be futile to sit down to mediate when you are agitated and restless. So how do you get from a state of being unsettled into a settled state?

There are myriad ways to do this, some of them being doing yoga, stretching, chanting, or even doing a power walk to shake off any excess energy keeping you from settling in. Some meditations even include several minutes of shaking off which can feel like such a relief!

So choose whatever works for you. Then settle in a place where you know you won’t be disturbed. You can sit or lie down and put on some soft, meditative music if you like. Just softly enough to allow you to breathe into in and to be taken into yourself, rather than allowing the music to take you along with it. So find just the right kind and go with it. Allow yourself to stay in a calm, inwardly focused space until you feel that it is enough.

Doing this can bring you into a relaxed state of awareness, allowing messages and inspiration to flow into your conscious mind. It’s like a delicious mini-vacation.

If you would like to experience a very special kind of sound meditation, I invite you to a 30 minute complementary session with me. Just click on the link and we will set it up!

Wishing you focus, calm and flow,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012