How Do We Stay Centered Even If We Don’t Know the New Rules???


Many of us find ourselves baffled at the constantly changing chain of events in our lives and in the world. Sometimes they are so close together that we are not even given time to process one before another is upon us.

It may feel to some of us that the very rules and norms are changing, like the rug being pulled out from beneath our feet and lo and behold, the floorboards are missing below! So where do we stand? What works and doesn’t work? How do we gain a foothold? Where is our anchor?

For me, in times like this, the only way is IN. In, to an inner place inside of me that is constant, that is my essence, my flavor, my own breath and heartbeat.
As I move into this space of ME, I can finally take a breath, listen inwards, and begin to soften and relax. It doesn’t always come naturally, especially if I’m in turmoil myself.

So then all I can do is summon the memory of a time when I was centered and calm. I know I’ve talked about this before, but I think it’s worth revisiting, this time from another perspective.

I want to talk about our thoughts. Yes, our thoughts and what they generate within and without us. We’ve often heard that “we believe what we see”. I would like to pose that “we see what we believe”.  I am suggesting that we actually create our reality by our thoughts and if this is the case, we always have the option to choose something else by consciously shifting our thoughts. I’m not saying this is easy and it may take practice and the help of those we love and trust, but it is doable.

It’s more about training ourselves to actually shift our thoughts and to do our best not to succumb to the whims of a mind racing with turmoil. I have realized that sometimes these whizzing thoughts are really my system’s way of picking up energy outside of myself, be it from the collective or someone close to me. The trick is to identify when this happens and get yourself out of the vortex of those thoughts and emotions. Imagine yourself being magnetically pulled by a force into the center of this vortex, this swirling whirlpool of energy. Now actually will yourself outside of it, by breathing, centering inside your body, seeing and feeling yourself outside of the turbulence. See yourself in a calm, soft place and center your attention inside your physical body, be it along your spine, in your heart or down your legs to your feet. Follow your breath as it takes you deeper into your essence and rest in the renewed quiet energy.

Here’s to calm inner focus.

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2011