Are You Satisfied?


“I can’t get no satisfaction
I can’t get no satisfaction
‘Cause I try and I try and I try and I try
I can’t get no, I can’t get no” The Rolling Stones

With the Rolling Stones are here in Israel, those timeless lyrics roll around in my mind over and over!

Do you feel that your needs are being met?

Do you tend to feel that you just can’t get a sense of satisfaction?

Have you ever felt fulfilled?

I would hope that at one time or another, most of us have had a sense of satisfaction.

What gives you this in life?

Is it inner stimuli? Outer stimuli? Both?

What do you do when you are dissatisfied and feeling out of sorts?

Do you have a practice or a ritual to bring you back to inner calm, focus and content?

Are there certain material things that give you a sense of home, of grounding and familiarity?

I am finding that as I create my new home, that there are certain objects, if placed well, create a sense of belonging for me, whether it is the placement of my furniture and the addition of accessories or planning my garden.

I also find that by creating flow in my home, such as allowing for open space as well as lighting candles and incense, that the vibration in my home is warm, inviting and enveloping. This does not happen on its own, rather only when I consciously intend it.

Other things that give me satisfaction are the confirmations that I am appreciated and that my work is appreciated in the world. This is very significant.

If you have noticed that the world is not really mirroring you in a valued way, try taking a look to see how you can give someone an authentic compliment, just to let them know that they are doing okay and that they are seen. Even a smile of acknowledgement can be enough!  This act in itself can give you the satisfaction you’ve been longing for.

I find over and over again that women in particular tend to have a difficult time valuing themselves with all of society’s mixed messages about how one should look, what is sexy as well as creating stigmas about being too provocative! It’s confusing and at times keeps us from really getting a deep sense of who we are and how we can contribute to the Greater Good.

To help create a sense of belonging and purpose, Prema Shakti and I are once again inviting you to The Nine Stargate Initiation for Women and Sweat Lodge for Women at beautiful Almagor, above the Sea of Galilee.

The Nine Stargate Initiation is an offering of Grace gifted to us by the Ascended Masters. It is to help us to embody the Divine Feminine as a way of co-creating a new, balanced order in the world. This allows us to become empowered as females and to take on our role as caretakers of the feminine energy of humanity. It is a miracle of remembrance to awaken the relationship between a woman and her divine mother.

I work with a Council of Grandmothers that carries this body of vibration. They are the advisers of this process. Its purpose is to clear the patterns and trauma of 5 generations of mothers back and to make room for the Divine Mother to live within us more deeply as we walk the Earth as incarnated Female Human Beings at this immense time of opportunity and shift.

The purpose of this is to anchor more of the Divine Feminine on the Planet at this time, in order to establish a balanced Feminine-Masculine Matrix, helping to dissolve more and more of the polarity and pain caused by a dominant patriarchy and a withdrawn matriarchy.
It was so delicate and powerful at the same time and since many women could not make it on that particular day, we will be offering it again on Thursday, June 12th at 4:30 pm just like last time.

For more information in English, click here:

For information in Hebrew:

The early bird discount is valid until June 6th.

We so look forward to having you with us!

In her new book, Ricochet: Riding a Wave of Hope with the Dog Who Inspires Millions, Judy Fridono shares the emotionally-moving story of Ricochet, the beloved golden retriever who went from puppy prodigy to service-dog dropout before becoming an inspirational phenomenon and Internet sensation.  #RicochetBook Click here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering!

Wishing you lots of satisfaction and connection with yourself and the world,

Love and Blessings,

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2014