Wouldn’t you just love for life to flow all by itself without you having to make sure things get done?
How would it be to rely on the Universe to provide it all?
How would it feel to stop pushing and making things happen?
Whew, I often think about how much to act and how much to just take a step back and just to allow.
As Kenny Rogers sings: “You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.”
Well, maybe it’s not the perfect analogy, but we really do need to know when to act, when to be still and how to “listen” to the perfect timing of each.
I have this sense that the new energy we are now in does give us much more possibility to act, create movement and then just ALLOW the result to flow to us. Not only that, I also suspect that much less action is necessary than ever before, so we can relax a bit and ALLOW (there’s that word again) the flow to occur.
Sounds a bit utopian doesn’t it? Well, we’ve worked very, very hard to get to this point of positive critical mass and it would serve us all personally and collectively to allow ourselves more trust and mutual support to let it all happen.
Many of us are dog tired from the years of building, intending, hoping and just plain keeping the faith that the world is on a positive course and that humanity really is through the gateway of opportunity. Well, hey, we are past the gateway, living in the new energy with just the tail ends of the old patterns tugging our pant legs. But these are just the tail ends and we can allow ourselves to address the rest of the old patterns with much more ease. This is what I see from my perspective. So keep up the positive thoughts, but do address the bits that still need your attention and love to help them transform and shift.
So let’s have some fun and just BE for awhile, allowing the process to take its course, relying on the consciousness of whatever the process may be to set the pace and the intensity, with us partnering with it as an active participant.
We don’t have to push so much anymore.
What a blessed relief!!!
If you would like to explore how to get to that inner seed of being still while the Universe works for you and to being open to the signs coming to you, I heartily invite you to a complementary 30 minute “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session with me. Just click on this link to claim it: http://box5656.temp.domains/~rhondaea/contact-us/
Wishing you discernment and flow,
Love and Blessings,
Rhonda Joy
Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2012