I am happy to provide you with recommendations of products for more healthy living and increased wellness.
Anything that enhances wellbeing always gets my attention. Living in a calm, clean environment is a good goal to have.
Earth Transitions:
Is a site dedicated to health and wellness and they are experts on reducing EMF radiation. They have several products dedicated to creating a clean, EMF reduced environment for your body and the spaces you live in.
click here
Visionary Music:
Is a cutting edge plethora of music and tools to step you up to the next level physically, mentally, emotionally and of course spiritually, through sound and vibration. I can personally attest to the transformational nature of their products and services.
Check them out today:
click here to sample the music
Bob Proctor and Mary Morrisey and the 11 Forgotten Laws:
check out these experts in the application of the Law of Attraction to up your game:
Earthing/Grounding technology:
I have had the opportunity to personally experience and benefit from this amazing yet completely natural and logical technology. As human beings in a modern world, we have all but totally disconnected from the natural resonance and electrical charge of the Earth, causing many imbalances in the energy system and physical body. This can include inflammation, pain, hormonal imbalances, sleep disturbances, depression and much more. After experiencing weeks of intermittent low back pain as well as pain and immobility in my knees, within 4 days, yes, 4 days of using this technology, I am back to my natural mobile, high energy state. Check it out here and use this code to get a 5% discount on any of the products: http://www.go-teva.co.il/ discount code: RJE12. Truly amazing!
Spiritual Cinema Circle:
Get New Spiritual Movies Delivered Every Month
Did you know that many visionary, inspirational films are made every year but never get into the theaters? Now, there’s a place for you to see those inspiring movies, in the comfort of your home. Spiritual Cinema Circle is the home of uplifting stories from independent filmmakers that inspire love and compassion, films that connect us with the world around us.
Click here to get the latest updates and programs: