Is Your Life On Automatic???

3 Ways to Pop Out of Your Comfort Zone

Do you have the feeling that your life is on a consistent course, not up or down, just kind of bopping along?

Have you entertained some changes but just haven’t had the clarity of how to create them?

Do you ever get restless and chalk it up to too much coffee or a heavy meal?

Well, my friend, welcome to your comfort zone, the zone in which nothing much changes and even the irritating things in your life still give you a sense of (false) security.

In my experience, if you’re not at least a bit uncomfortable, then you are on auto pilot.

Now that’s just fine for some folks, but not for me, that’s for sure.

I’m sure I have plenty of blind spots regarding my own comfort zone, but if there is one thing I constantly try to do, it is to reevaluate my motives for almost everything I do from time to time. This way, I mostly avoid making decisions out of habit, but make them out of clear choice.

Now this may sound like I’m inconsistent, phlegmatic and just not happy with my lot. That is not where I’m coming from. I’m coming from a place inside that does its best to do as much as possible consciously. I want to live my life from a place of deliberateness and not based on things that suited me in the past.

So this puts me in a pretty constant state of flux.

Or shall we call it FLOW???

The more I can be present in my life and come from a place of my personal truth and clarity, the better person I am to myself and others.

It feels really good, it really truly does. For me, it has something to do with my increasing trust that the Universe has me covered, has my back and is leading me to the right places and people at exactly the right time for all involved.

So how can you get to this place of clarity and inner truth?

1. One way is to center into your body senses, sensing your breath, blood flow, pulse, any sensations of energy flow and even locate areas of tightness. That is part of you as well.

2. Allow yourself to ask the question on your mind, then let go and just sense anything coming into your experience. You may see images; hear words or music, remember a past experience. All of these things can give you a sense of direction or association. Be loose about it and don’t expect God to come down with a booming voice and announce the answer to your question. Just allow the soft place you are in to be the filter and receptor.

3. Write down anything that came up and put the page away for at least a day. When you revisit it later, or even days later, you may instantly get a clear perception of how it relates to your query. The trick is to look for some kind of minimal change of routine that you can create as a result of you search. Not mind blowing, but subtle yet consistent, like a new daily ritual.

So, if you would like to fine tune your life by being more precise and living deeply in your truth, I invite you to a 30 minute complementary “Soul Discovery, Soul Recovery” session to help you get in touch with that gently inner voice of knowing within. Just drop me an email here to claim it:

I am also thrilled to invite you to the next Crystalline Matrix Sound Healing workshop taking place in Mevasseret, near Jerusalem, on 11/11/11, which is considered to be a day of great planetary openings and possibility.  Check this out for details and registration:
(option to come for one or two days)

Much Love

Rhonda Joy

Copyright Rhonda Joy Eagle, 2011